25% APY

🔒30 DAYS

Total Staked0 $VAULT
Your Stake Balance0 $VAULT
Your Vault Balance0 $VAULT
Your Total Claimed 0 $VAULT
Your Pending Rewards
0.00 $VAULT
Token Unlock's InN/A
Note: If your rewards amount to over 1% of your staked tokens, it is advisable to claim them before initiating another staking process.

50% APY

🔒60 DAYS

Total Staked0 $VAULT
Your Stake Balance0 $VAULT
Your Vault Balance0 $VAULT
Your Total Claimed 0 $VAULT
Your Pending Rewards
0.00 $VAULT
Token Unlock's InN/A
Note: If your rewards amount to over 1% of your staked tokens, it is advisable to claim them before initiating another staking process.

75% APY

🔒90 DAYS

Total Staked0 $VAULT
Your Stake Balance0 $VAULT
Your Vault Balance0 $VAULT
Your Total Claimed 0 $VAULT
Your Pending Rewards
0.00 $VAULT
Token Unlock's InN/A
Note: If your rewards amount to over 1% of your staked tokens, it is advisable to claim them before initiating another staking process.